
July 15, 2024
How To Design Effective Conversational AI Experiences: A Comprehensive Guide

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More This in-depth guide takes you through the three crucial phases of conversational search, revealing how users express their needs, explore results, and refine their queries. Learn how AI agents can overcome communication barriers, personalize the search experience, and adapt to evolving […]

July 10, 2024
When Friction Is A Good Thing: Designing Sustainable E-Commerce Experiences

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More Today, UX design contributes to the problem of encouraging and facilitating excessive consumption through persuasive e-commerce practices and designing for companies with linear and exploitative business models. Anna Rátkai explores practical steps we can take to reduce material consumption and the […]

July 8, 2024
Useful Customer Journey Maps (+ Figma & Miro Templates)

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More Visualize the user experience with user journey maps. Here are some helpful templates, real-world applications, and insights on the importance of mapping both successful and unsuccessful touchpoints. Part of Smart Interface Design Patterns by yours truly. User journey maps are a […]

June 30, 2024
Tales Of An Eternal Summer (July 2024 Wallpapers Edition)

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More Let’s welcome the new month with some fresh desktop wallpapers! Created by artists and designers from across the globe, they come in versions with and without a calendar for July 2024. Enjoy! For many of us, July is the epitome of […]

June 28, 2024
How To Improve Your Microcopy: UX Writing Tips For Non-UX Writers

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More Not all companies can afford to hire a full-time UX writer (or are mature enough to consider it yet). As a result, UX writing is often outsourced to team members who may not have sufficient expertise in working with text, such […]

June 26, 2024
How To Make A Strong Case For Accessibility

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More Gaining buy-in for accessibility can be challenging due to common myths and misunderstandings. For many, accessibility remains a big mystery. Here are some practical techniques for winning stakeholder support. Part of Smart Interface Design Patterns by yours truly. Getting support for […]

June 24, 2024
So Your Website Or App Is Live… Now What?

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More The biggest mistake you can make in UX design is to launch a website or app and then walk away. Monitoring and improving after launch will benefit users and your metrics. Nothing will bring bigger gains. Whether you’ve launched a redesign […]

June 21, 2024
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Multimedia Writing

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More Balancing the age-old simplicity of words on paper with the myriad creative possibilities of the web is a tension as old as the web itself. Leaning into that overlap can bring new dimensions not just to the things we write but […]

June 20, 2024
Uniting Web And Native Apps With 4 Unknown JavaScript APIs

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers Read More Have you heard of the Screen Orientation API? What about the Device Orientation API, Vibration API, or the Contact Picker API? Juan Diego Rodriguez is interested in these under-the-radar web features and discusses how they can be used to create more usable […]

June 19, 2024
T-Shaped vs. V-Shaped Designers

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More Job openings typically cast a very restrictive frame for candidates, with long lists of expectations and requirements. But what if this narrow focus can overlook the value of “V”-shaped designers who excel by crossing boundaries, connecting dots, and innovating beyond rigid […]

June 17, 2024
Useful Email Newsletters For Designers

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers Read More Whether you want to take your user research skills to the next level, get better at UX writing, or stay up-to-date on the latest design trends, a newsletter is the perfect opportunity to get the best of the best resources delivered straight […]

June 14, 2024
What Are CSS Container Style Queries Good For?

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers Read More What are these CSS Container Style Queries, and why should you use them? Juan Diego Rodríguez delves deeply into style queries, and not at the syntax level, but at what exactly they are solving and what sort of use cases you would […]

June 13, 2024
2-Page Login Pattern, And How To Fix It

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More The 2-page login pattern is becoming pervasive. Here are the reasons behind this design choice and alternative solutions to create a more efficient and user-friendly authentication experience. Why do we see login forms split into multiple screens everywhere? Instead of typing […]

June 12, 2024
The Scent Of UX: The Unrealized Potential Of Olfactory Design

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More Kristian Mikhel covers various practical applications of scents in product experience, from immersive entertainment to healing spaces and medical appliances, and how designers can drive innovation across spheres and disciplines. Imagine that you could smell this page. The introduction would emit […]

June 11, 2024
How To Hack Your Google Lighthouse Scores In 2024

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More Do perfect Lighthouse scores mean the performance of your website is perfect? As it turns out, Lighthouse is influenced by a number of things that can be manipulated and bent to make sites seem more performant than they really are, as […]

June 7, 2024
Useful CSS Tips And Techniques

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers Read More The times for CSS have probably never been more exciting than today. In this quick read, we’ve got some useful CSS tips and techniques for you that you can apply to your work right away. Let’s dive deeper into self-modifying CSS variables, […]

June 5, 2024
Presenting UX Research And Design To Stakeholders: The Power Of Persuasion

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More There’s more to achieving good UX than research and design. We need to effectively communicate our ideas to gain buy-in from key stakeholders. How do we share our findings with diverse audiences in a way that will empower them to make […]

June 4, 2024
Scaling Success: Key Insights And Practical Takeaways

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More The web is still a young platform, and we’re only now beginning to recognize what “success” looks like for large projects. In his recent Smashing book, Success at Scale, Addy Osmani presents practical case studies featuring the web’s most renowned companies […]

May 31, 2024
Ice Cream Ahead (June 2024 Wallpapers Edition)

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers Read More Let’s kick off June with some fresh inspiration! Artists and designers from across the globe once again tickled their creativity to celebrate the beginning of the new month with a collection of beautiful and unique wallpaper calendars. There’s an artist in everyone. […]

May 30, 2024
In Praise Of The Basics

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More What does it mean to learn the “basics”, or fundamentals, of front-end web development? Is starting with HTML and CSS still the best entry point to learn how to make websites and apps when we have a seemingly endless supply of […]

May 29, 2024
Decision Trees For UI Components

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More Imagine finally resolving never-ending discussions about UI decisions for good. Here are some practical examples of decision trees for UI components and how to use them effectively. An upcoming part of Smart Interface Design Patterns. How do you know what UI […]

May 28, 2024
The Era Of Platform Primitives Is Finally Here

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers Read More Application frameworks have built whole ecosystems on top of them. Let’s take a closer look at serverless platforms such as Netlify’s Platform Primitives and explore how they can increase our productivity with a serverless fullstack experience. In the past, the web ecosystem […]

May 24, 2024
Switching It Up With HTML’s Latest Control

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More After years of relying on checkbox hacks to create a “switch” control for forms that toggle between two states, HTML may be gaining a native way to go about it by adding aswitchattribute to checkbox inputs. Development has been years in […]

May 23, 2024
Best Practices For Naming Design Tokens, Components And Variables

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers | Read More How can we get better at naming? This post is dedicated to naming conventions, tips, and real-world examples that help you name things in a robust and flexible way. Naming is hard. As designers and developers, we often struggle finding the […]

May 22, 2024
Modern CSS Layouts: You Might Not Need A Framework For That

Source: Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers Read More It’s easy to get lost in a sea of CSS frameworks and libraries, each promising easier styling and smoother layouts. But amidst this abundance, the modern CSS features we have today offer simpler and more flexible approaches without the added dependencies or […]

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