December 9, 2020

Design Inspiration, 12.09

Source: - Medium | Read More

Every two weeks, in our design team all-hands, we share links to beautiful or interesting things we encountered recently. These can be interesting interactions, compelling visual design, essays on design, code experiments, etc.

These last few weeks, we’ve been talking about jazzy keys, holograms, virtual worlds, and face masks added in post.

  1. JazzKeys from Plan8 turns a simple text editor into an instrument. Pretty enjoyable if you like jazz. Not so enjoyable if you don’t.

2. It’s hard to imagine the next few links, featuring personal holographic displays and virtual exhibits, aren’t in direct response to literally the whole world being mostly confined to their homes for the past however long.

3. If you do go out and decide to ride a ride at a Disney park without a mask (please don’t do this), Disney will add one on for you digitally. From the article:

“it will…encourage compliance, reducing the “monkey see, monkey do” thought process that may lead guests to erroneously believe it’s okay to remove their masks while on attractions.”

This is likely our last inspo post for the year, so stay safe, and we’ll see you on the other side with more things the Medium design team thinks are interesting.

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